Life, Venting, Thoughts, and Just being ME! Through the Life of a Military Spouse. The Goodwin Family.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Here it is in print!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Couponing part 1.

So I have been asked many times how I learned to save money while grocery shopping. Well I use coupons. It is a very hot trend this last couple years, and even more so since the show “Extreme Couponers” started earlier this year. I will tell you first off that you will save money, but until you get your stock pile, about 6 to 12 weeks, you won't see that big change. I do not have brand favorites which I think makes it so much easier to save that extra cash. I also do not buy (use cash) to get items I wont use,(if it is free that is another thing) for example we dont use diapers anymore so I wont buy them even if it is a good deal. I am a healthy eater and try my best not to buy junk food, so just cause I have a coupon for it doesn't mean I will use it. In fact most times when I seperate my coupons I put those to the side and give them away.
So first off I guess I will let you know that should start off by getting your local Sunday paper, and if you can get more then one that is even better. Also find out if you get a discount by subscribing and getting more then one. I only pay 15$ a month for three Sunday papers a week. That is 1.25$ a paper, I dont think that is too bad. You can also get the magazine 'All You', it carries an average of 70-100$ worth of coupons for each month, and if you get a subscription to that mag it will be cheaper. Here is a small list of websites you can find more coupons from.
Other good ways to get coupons are to grab from the 'blinkies' (the little blinking dispensers), Tearpads (pads of paper found around the store with coupons on them) and store coupons books. Good thing about all of these is you dont have to use them at the store you got them at. If you print of coupons from your printer at home it will only let you print 2 from each computer, and also note that you can not copy your printed coupons it is theft. The coupons have you IP address on it.
OK! So this is were it gets a little tough. Most of us go out and buy what we want or are getting low on and need to get for that weeks dinner. But a real couponer only uses coupons on the items that are on sale. So when you get you Sunday paper also get out the ads for the grocery stores too. If you dont see a store ad for a local store you shop at call and find out if they do mid week sales (starting Wednesday to Wednesday) Waitng for the sales is when you get your biggest reward! So last week at our local Publix they had V8 jucies on sale 2/5$. I had .50c off 1. Publix also takes store coupons as well as the manufactures coupons, plus they double any coupons .50c or less. So my coupons turned into a 1.$ for each item, then I used their store coupon 1.$ off any V8. Used two of those, which made it 4$ off the sale price of 2/5$. I paid 1$ for 2 58 Oz bottels of V8, .50c each. Amazing!!! That is why I love couponing.
You have to use a coupon for each item you have. So if you have 5 cans of tomatos and only 3 coupons you will only get the sale price for those three item. If your store is selling Chips BOGO (buy one get one) you can use 2 coupons even though one is free.
If you have watched the show on TLC called “Extreme Couponing” you may know what I mean when I say there is a difference between stockpiling and hording. It is good to keep a stockpile of items that your family uses and might use up between this sale and the next, about 12 weeks. So when that cereal goes on sale and you can get it at it's lowest price that is when you buy big. Please be kind and dont hord the items by grabing the whole shelf.
This took me awhile, so dont go out and spend all you have for you groceries trying to get your stockpile up. It is August and I started I think in April, and am just now feeling that I save regularly and have a good stockpile of foods. It can take a good amount of time each week to find what you want and clip all the coupons, but stick with it, it is well worth it.
Tomorrow I will post part 2 about great sites to use that tell you what stores have what great deals and what coupons to use. They are so helpful. Hope this helps you start your coupon journey.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Has it really been a week!
Monday, August 15, 2011
The article I wrote for FYI magazine.
A year ago this month, I was facing one of the biggest challenges in my life thus far. You were leaving on a on year long deployment. We knew this day would come when we got orders to come here. But it just came so fast. I didn't think about all the training that would take place. The 2 weeks here, or the 2 months there. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you, but I kept my mouth shut and dealt with it. This wasn't our first time with you leaving us, but I was sure it wasn't going to be easy for the kids to understand. As time got closer I did my best to keep myself open and emotionally there for you, I couldn't shut myself off to you as I had in the past before deployments. I remember thinking that whole month, “I will be fine, it will be the kids that will have a hard time, I am ok, I can handle this.”
As the day came for you to leave, I don't think I was all there. I didn't know what this year would throw at me! In the beginning It wasn't so bad, we kept so busy with school, birthday parties, friends, church, and play time at the park. I soon got the feeling of being very alone. I didn't get touched, I didn't have very many adult conversations, and I seemed to keep to myself because of feeling alone, but I covered it up with all the activities I filled my weeks with. Surprisingly I look back, and some would say I had it pretty well, you being able to call most days and all the support I had, but didn't take advantage of, you'd think I would have done better.
Finally in November while attending a huge Christian woman's conference I broke down and gave my pain to God. He reminded me the love he has for me, and that no matter where we go, He is always there in my heart. I hope I never forget the feeling that I felt as He reminded me of that. As a little girl whenever I was afraid or felt alone at night I would pray for His comfort and picture He and I in this big open field with wild flowers just walking around picking them. But this time I prayed and would picture me as a woman walking with her best friend and protector. I am not sure I have words to describe the love I felt inside, the comfort that gave me on nights I felt alone in bed or on days one of the kids got sick or when things just didn't seem to go right that day.
And though now, months later I can't say life was perfect, (far from it) I can say that during those days or weeks I would get down and feel attacked, having that image in my mind seemed to help me from falling into a deep pit of dispare. It was my life line to hold on to and help me to take another step each day as I choose to continue on towards a life with God and a wonderful husband and family, instead of depression and sadness that could hurt my marriage and family. This year has now come to an end and I am so happy to say God is bringing you, my wonderful husband home to me tomorrow morning. God has givin me the best blessing, to see your face and being able to feel your arms rapped around me. I love you so much.
Monday, August 8, 2011
To clean or purge, that is that question.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Continuing my walk (part 2)

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
When you haven't had it as long as I have.

Fellow blogger Mrs T wrote a blog about SEX, well not exactly, more like what to wear to bed so you can get some. I thought it was a pretty funny blog as I am always in big T's or flannel PJ's in bed, even as a kid. That is just the way I always dressed, likely why it still is now. When I first got married my husband wanted me to come to bed naked. Totally normal. But it made me feel weird, not around him, just cause I didn't have clothes on. There are times now I go through my PJ's and think I should get rid of these, or get some cuter ones to were to bed. Then I think what if we go somewhere, I need Pj's that cover all. So why don't I just put those aside and have cute ones for him? Well for one, currently I am the only one in my bed, so I want to be comfortable. Or what about the winter when it gets cold? Well I do have a fix for that one now, my husband sent me this -->. I look like a big pink easter bunny in them! But they are super cozy.
So as time gets close for his arrival, I am wondering, what I will be wearing to bed? I think I would prefer it to look more like this.
Source: etsy.com via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: victoriassecret.com via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Do you dress up for bed? Or are you just comfortable? Does your husband like you in cute or sexy PJ's for bed? I just always wonder why does it matter. I don't go to bed with the lights on. He isn't going to see me, and even if we have sex tonight I am not going to turn the bedroom light on just so he can see what cute thing I am wearing to bed. But that isn't the point, is it. Its that if we put the effort in looking cute for our man, then he will notice, and you know what, I bet sex will be even better, because you are both in the mood for a little sheet music.
The above was more or less an extension of what Mrs. T wrote in her blog. But I wanted to share my own little funny tidbit on SEX! Mark Gungor is genius. He is funny, smart, and relatable. My husband and I first heard on him on a couples retreat we went on last spring. We later talked about about using him as a tool to share about sex with our own kids, when that time comes. He has a teen learning series you can use to help out. We both believe that training our kids about the physical and emotional attachment you get when you have sex is very important. Wes and I were both each others first and only when it came to sex, but he knew way more about sex then I ever did. That came from our parents input or rather the lack of input. His parents did a wonderful job of informing him on all kinds of things. Body parts, what to do, when to do it. (Some I also think came from school and being an attentive male) My parents on the other hand, put me in a purity class when I was a high schooler, and that was it. I learned about sex from TV, friends, my Dr., and then from my husband. Surprisingly having such a lack of information never made me shy about it, I would ask questions or say things loudly, when normal people would whisper it. So which has helpful in having kids. My son is four, and I tell him not to touch his penis. I don't say weenie or ding a ling or peter. (He doesn't get it from me, and yet he still laughs at the word, is it intuitive?) I just wanted to share that if you start talking to your kids about body parts at a young age and then transition into sex later on, I don't think it will be such an odd thing and an uncomfortable subject. You are there best advisor on what sex should be like, tell them the truth. I don't think my parents would have ever told me sex would be fun! (But only after marriage!!) Enjoy the clip below. =)