Monday, November 10, 2008

My weekly Life

So Erica is one month old and doing great. her eating habits have changed a little at night but it is not to bad. the weather here is getting cold and so I am always trying to keep her warm as our house is very expensive to heat so we are trying to other ways of heating, like using our fireplace, or using the house hot water heaters.

Not much is going on since Weston went back to work. I have my weekly Bible study on Tuesdays on base. but other then that my week is pretty free. I try and feel it with things to do to keep us busy. Tomorrow is Veterans day so Weston has the day off. We are planning to go to the mall near here which has some American stores, so I am super excited.

I think these of Erica in vase are so differant and wonderful even if she does look like she hates me.
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This are my favorite pictures. I can't wait to hang them in our home.

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This is Erica at 4 weeks old, my beautiful baby Girl!!!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

how life has been

So much has happend since my last blog. I will try and give an over view of what has happend thus far.

on the 14th of October she had her first check up, she had only lost a couple of ounces, but overall they said she was in great health. the Doctor noted that she has a very strong suck. I just laughed to myself, as if I didnt already know that.

The following friday I attended the international Bazzar at JFC, It was just me and Erica. It was a nice me time. I took Erica to her two week Dr. apt on the 23, She is still doing fabulouse, gaining waight and growing just like she should.For holloween We took the the kids to the base to go trick or treating. We had fun for about the first half hour, then crankyness and hunger set in. Glenn was a monkey and Erica was a bananna, it was very cute.

November 3rd was weston first day back to work, which I think was more stressfull for myself then him. I had to deal with two kids for the first time all by myself. It turned out not to be to scary. It wasn't that bad of a day.
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